
Would you like to start a Dream Team Chapter of W.H.O.A.
in your part of the world?

It only takes TWO.
Two women wanting to help one another...
supporting, encouraging, teaching, believing, dreaming.

That's what W.H.O.A. is all about.
You probably all ready have a W.H.O.A. chapter in your
neighborhood & don't even know it.

I'd love for you to contact me so we can make it official.
I will send you out a W.H.O.A information packet
& you can tell me ways that W.H.O.A. could help
support you & your friends in making
ALL your Dreams Come True!

Local Chapters...
Coming Soon!!

1 comment:

I'd love to hear your thoughts, ideas & anyway that you think WHOA can help you spread your wings & FLY!